A few days ago , I joined PUAK Payong to observe and learn how they go about managing cases that are brought to their attention, in hope to be able to do it independently in the future and hopefully, in my own home state.
Case 4:
M U S T A F A’ S F A M I L Y
Family of 11 children. All they wanted was a TV. But more of that in just a bit.
Eldest child is 23 years old. Youngest is 2 months old.
Laki bini toreh getah (rubber tappers). They tap rubber at a rubber plantation nearby and earn RM2.10 per kilo ; half of the earnings goes to the land owner.
To supplement their income, they are able to provide simple motor repairs around the village.
One of the older children quit school to help the parents make ends meet. He earns RM30 a day - RM10 he keeps for himself , RM20 to buy food ingredients so the family can cook a meal.
They receive RM200 from JKM (welfare department) but that’s barely enough to feed a family of 11. They don’t pay rent though the owners do ask they help “maintain” the house.
The house is falling apart but they make do with bits and bobs they find or able to buy with “extra” income.
The fridge does not work - it merely stores their daily meals. They too have a decorative fan and have used old machinery to make a proper fan for one of the rooms that the young daughters share.
(There are 2 bedrooms : one bedroom is for the parents. One more for the older girls. The rest sleep outside on the floor with makeshift beds using thick blankets).
They just want a TV - maybe equipped with ENJOY TV?
Tuan Syed Azmi asks, “if you could have anything on your list beside a TV... what would it be?”
“Washing machine!”
“A bicycle?” stammers the small boy who stands quietly behind his siblings.
We all smile at the boy.
TokAyah (our logistic liasion who is a retired Oil&Gas consultant) shares his concerns with us about the wiring of the house.
Syed Azmi tells the family that he will try his level best to raise funds for their needs, but the wiring of the house is paramount.
Dejected faces of the young children but spirits are up when they know they won’t have to worry about no electricity when thunder strikes.
The children show us how they fit all family members on one sedan Proton car. Some of the older boys sit on the back of the car.
Dangerous one might think.... this is survivor skills they know how.
I return the sleeping 2 month old bub to his mother with a reluctant heart and pass some toiletries and makeup I brought with me to pass to the ladies of the house.
We bid our goodbyes and then I see the Jambu air tree.
I asked for a ladder so I could climb the tree but the little ones offered to help me pluck the fruits instead.
So fresh and sweet!
They seem quite content with their lives. The mother has such an endearing smile. No wonder her husband is so smitten by her 🥰.
If you wish to help, please bank in to:
Email puakpayong@gmail.com
Ref: daphneXkelantan
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